Bio Thingy
I go by a couple of nicks online: Tracicle or vixen_aurora. My real name is Tracy. I also used to go by bubbles_nz way back in the day, ask my darling Cajun Cutie about that one... I live in the Bay Area, not too far from San Francisco. I was born and raised in New Zealand and left there almost three years ago (as of this June) to come to California. My family and lots of friends are still back there, and once in a while I get to go back and see them. Not often, though. In NZ I have a cat, Carmen, although she's now living with relatives who have kids, so she gets all the attention she wants and her own special patch of sunlight. Here, my roommate has a hamster called Vex with a penchant for escaping his cage and running wildly behind the TV. We also have a frog named Pedro, who we rescued from a Target store where he was trapped in a tiny container with no food. I like to read (currently reading Catch 22 by some guy) and go to the movies (just saw Super Troopers of all things). Also I live near the beach, so when I'm in the mood I walk or bike there and hang out. I like shopping sometimes, although I'm a bargain chick. And I like music -- currently Daft Punk and Air, although my taste changes daily. My alltime favourite band is...believe it or not, Guns N Roses. Online I hang out in #aglami, on an IRC server not to be named here, to preserve its sanctity, and to protect the innocent who should never go there. I also use Yahoo! Messenger under the nick vixen_aurora, and occasionally ICQ, although I reserve that for my non-cam activities so I refuse to give out my number here. I admire Dr. Clyde Snow, the father of forensic anthropology, Peter Jackson (finest NZ director ever), and not many other people. Admiration is overrated. I tend to be moody and passive-aggressive. I like Mexican beer, occasional tequila or vodka, and hate rum. Rum brings back memories of being 15 and lame. I can't stand American beer, it's evil. I only like Sauvignon Blanc wine, anything else is ick. I get drunk more easily on wine though. My favourite foods are fish n chips from NZ, meat pies (also from NZ), baby carrots, uncooked, seafood, especially marinated mussels, and hot fudge sundaes. I hate peanuts and corn. Although corn flakes are okay. I used to think I could be a great writer, until I realised that I can't really write that well. Now I pretend to play bass guitar and sing occasionally. As some of you know, I'm the karaoke queen. A couple of drinks and a bit of encouragement and I'll sing anything, whether I know it or not. Ask me about the "Wanted Dead or Alive" episode sometime. Many of my friends are engineers or geeks. I want a more hardcore image. I'm easily persuaded sometimes. I don't eat very healthy food and so I get sick a lot in winter. I have no one to blame but myself. I'm addicted hopelessly to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, much in the same way that Spike is addicted to Passions. |