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Tuesday, April 23 | 12.42pm

I'm a bad, bad girl. I haven't updated in almost two weeks. Not a lot has happened, I'm busy with school as always (I typed "busty" in there, actually) and so nothing to report. So as you know, cleavage week is long over. I will try to update my pic some more, but I've been slacking in this department.

And so, not much today. I want to go somewhere and drink alcohol until I fall over, wouldn't that be fun, kids? I hace beer and Bailey's here, but drinking at home is all I ever do these days. I can't wait to go back to NZ and see old drinking buds. I'm an alcoholic, according to some quiz, but since I haven't had alcohol in days, that can hardly be true. I know when to stop - when I fall down unconscious. But ye.

I'm horribly bored with school at the moment, sadly. I want to take a couple of weeks off already.

Monday | 11.40am

You're Spike. An English badass. At least you were until they put that stupid chip in your head. And then you fell in love with the slayer... Snap out of it, man!
Find your inner vampire.

Okay, I tried on purpose here. But you know me.

Monday, April 8 | 10.48am

Oh. It's Monday. So I got back from LA last night, my plane was delayed by almost an hour which was sucky, but could have been worse. It was fun though, we went to Hollywood and stuck our hands and feets in the handprintythingys, and walked down the red carpet and saw people in tuxedos who weren't even famous but looked pretty good. And had pizza, and went swimming and met a man who was from Atlanta, and went to Venice Beach and got blisters.

I did have a good time, but the lesson is to take more than one pair of shoes in case the only pair you have are evil. I have eeevil blisters on both feet that really hurt because I had to keep wearing the shoes. SHOES, I hate em. I didn't do any homework while I was gone but that's not surprising. Karyn's bag got lost between Auckland and LA, and ended up in Sydney which was amuzing. And the eeevil Ingerland aglamians had a moot, the fiends. I hate them. One day I will extract my revenge, I don't know how but it will involve cod.

Friday, April 5 | 10.08am

Well, I'm back again. I'm doing all my journal updating today because I'm having an easy day today. I'm not updating the cam though, because *BAD NEWS* my computer hates me, and the USB ports have decided to split off from the main computer port herd and form their own union. This means I can't print, cam, or use my smartmedia card reader, horror of horrors.

My typing is all disjointed for some weird reason, I can't follow a straight line of thought today. So what else? I played Sims, I can't decide whether I like B & W or not, it's okay. Maybe it's the navigation style. I don't like the way I move around in the game. Also, my creature annoys me.

Going to LA this weekend, leaving at 6.50am tomorrow and back by Sunday evening. It'll be fun. I keep saying that. Very repetitive. Anyone would think I don't have a life, but of course I do. It's school. I have a quiz on Tuesday with the evil bitch from hell, so I ahve to study primate taxonomy before then. There must be a simple mnemonic out there for this kind of emergency! ::makes one up with lots of rude words::

I'm in a much happier mood today. Still not sleeping, but it's okay, because today I woke up early, lay awake, then WENT BACK TO SLEEP. I woke up feeling more awake than I have in days, nay, weeks, nay, millennia. Also I heard from Ginger, who's alive, although it seems we never see each other any more, and from Kirk, who I thought was Rasher because I'm a ninny. And of course matt, who never sees any of us and it must be very boring without his female contingency. (Is contingency the word I want there?)

Right, now I'm going to colour my stupid book for a while, until the man installing the satellite TV is gone, then I'll watch some TV, and then I'll go to lunch, and then I'll go to class, and then I'll watch some more TV before I pack. How exciting am I?

Tuesday, April 2 | 3.17pm


I'm not online, see?

Well, I am, technically, but the whojamicallitthingy stuff and things. In other words, don't expect great updatey goodness for a bit, except if I feel overly thrilled to be alive.

Thursday, March 28 | 5.27pm

I'm happy today, see?

I know I owe one more boobs pic to finish up my seven-day contract, and I promised the geek t-shirt for it which is in the wash, so you'll have to wait a couple of days until I have the coins for the washing machine so I can wash it, then more coins for the dryer so I can dry it, then I'll do it. Meanwhile, I hope you're surviving.

Nothing truly spectacular has happened, it's school and hot cam chix action and not much else, I'm uninspired when I'm online and I'm bored in general. Supposedly intelligent people don't get bored, but I thought I was intelligent, so something's wrong there. I think it should be reworded to creative people, since I know I'm not creative at least. Interesting study currently being done on old people with (something like) frontal lobe dementia where people who suffer from it lose the ability to speak but gain amazing artistic talent; there might be a special "artistic" part of the brain that is switched on when the language part shuts down. So little kids are really creative at expressing concepts visually until they learn to speak, then the language section masks the artistic section of the mind. Cool, huh?

On a less interesting note, I'm back to colouring my Human Evolution Colouring Book this quarter, because I have the same professor. How horrible. I'm keeping up so far, but it's only been two days. Tomorrow I have a writing class and have to write five pages on myself as a writer. Everyone knows I can't write. But anyway. I can prove my amazing ability to fib under pressure.

Tuesday, March 26 | 2.28pm

School is over for the day and it wasn't too bad, I got into one of the two classes I wanted to add, and I'm waitlisted for the other which is about what I expected. I should get in though. I got DDR already but haven't played it yet because I was tired and lazy and it's easier to update my journal, see.

Boobs week is almost over, one more day. I'm not going to update today (probably) because I'm tired and grumpy and not in the mood for hot camgirl action xxx. So tomorrow, then. I'm feeling pretty blah and lame and stuff so this is all.

Monday, March 25 | 4.07pm

Well, the friend I thought I had offended isn't offended, which is a weight off my mind. But it seems like lately every resolved problem is replaced instantaneously by a new one, which is something I can't share here yet, because I need to tell the person directly involved, and she's away right now. I'll be able to spill in a couple of days, I think. By then of course I'll be back at school and online even less.

School. Argh.

I went to Ikea today, that Mecca to yuppie minivan young couples, to buy a bookshelf and some bathroom stuff. Traffic wasn't abysmal, which was nice, but driving an hour and ten minutes for a cheap bookshelf IS a bit odd. I like Ikea though. Shoot me.

I also bought Black and White on the weekend, which isn't a bad game although I prefer the Sims. It's a bit annoying - my creature kept getting stuck in buildings, which has to be a bug, and it's hard at first keeping track of your newly-converted villages as well as stopping your creature from eating them. ::laughs:: No new music, although this is sad: I heard a decent Kylie Minogue song today. How tragic, I may have to get it and acknowledge that she has some, minimal, talent. Que l' horror, or however you spill it.

Same day | 5.22pm

I forgot: Resident Evil is great, brilliant. Milla Jovovich wasn't as sexy as in Fifth Element (multipass, anyone?) but was still ass-kicking good. I actually couldn't sleep that night because I kept imagining pale-faced zombie-thingys under the bed or shuffling in the bedroom door. And I love that Latina chick who was in Fast and the Furious, she's hardcore like I wish I was. The special effects leave something to be desired at times, but the suspense and the ending are pretty cool.

And I don't have DDR yet, a friend is copying it (wait, I mean, er, giving me a backup to look after) but I won't get it until Friday. Meanwhile he has my Disney mix so I have NO DDR AT ALL. ::sobs:: Hence the extreme B&W playage. Oh, and Kirk has excellent music tastes. :Þ

Friday, March 22 | 6.12pm

Spring break is half over and so far I've b0rked my bike and shopped. And done laundry. And watched I Dream of Jeannie. Isn't that show great?

I may or may not have offended a friend horribly today, whether I did or not remains to be seen, and if I did, how I'll go about making it up is completely unknown to me. Why is life so hard, why?

On a lighter note, boobs week has been extended from a five-day work week to a seven-day week at the request of a licky thing. So two more full days of w00ty cleavage (for those that find it w00ty), and then I don't know what. Maybe it'll be knee week or something.

I caught up yesterday with an old online/RL friend. He's a lot happier than I remember from past meetings, which is great. Independence and focus have a lot to be said for themselves.

Wut else? Oh, Luke and Tob made a loverly Star Wars cast last night, see this thingy. I saw Blonde online, which made me smile, and that combined with rain made for a slightly happier Tracicle than the one that got up this morning. I have four more days of break, then back to classes - argh, starting at 8am which means getting up at about 6.30. Luckily it's a professor I like, she's really good at what she teaches and she's offered me a chance to work as her research assistant. Anyway, besides the point.

Other stuff: I'm going to get a copy of DDR-US this weekend and also see Resident Evil, I hope. I've been meaning to see it since it came out, but no one would go with me. Tomorrow I might go to Ikea, which is scary yuppie place but nice and cheap, and I also have to watch Princess Mononoke, because I haven't yet. That's about it.

Wednesday, March 20 | 9.02pm

I'm using my feminine wiles (luckily it's easy) to persuade aglami to come to my house. Ginger, that means you too. And Kirk. And matt, yes and matt. I have selected August as the month of carnage, so hopefully, this will happen because I feel the need for some chaos in my life.

I was a brave wee soul and biked from home to college today, about 10km. I was doing great, would have been there in about half an hour, except my stupid chain broke about a kilometre from the college, so I locked it up at the bus stop and bussed to college, where I was stranded for the whole day. By the time I got home, shopped a bit with Sonya, who's off to Washington DC for almost a week, and picked up my bike, it was late and now I'm sleepy. But the good news is that I'm going to graduate from college in June with an associate degree. Note: associate degrees are worth virtually nothing but are just an acknowledgement that you've done the first two years of university. I've never graduated from anything before, so it's exciting for me. I'm going to drag all my friends along to scream and yell and stomp on things.

My kid sister is now down to 45kg - she had a baby and they screwed up the c-section, so she just keeps losing weight. They have her waitlisted for surgery but it'll be another four months at least, by which stage she'll probably be lighter than air. I'm worried about it, but what can I do when I'm on the other side of the world? She needs me there to help her with the baby, because she can barely even lift him now. But anyway, I'm babbling.

Have you ever noticed how disgusting Gatorade is? It's like drinking watered down cheap kids' fruit drinks. Except worse, much worse. The other day Sonya asked me why I was drinking urine, which was a valid question given the state of the stuff I was consuming. I need beer.

Tuesday, March 19 | 4.49pm

Being on holiday sucks, I can't find stuff to do because I'm so used to being in class or doing homework. So look, I've spent half of today online even though I told Kasper I wouldn't sleep because it would be a waste of a nice day. And see, it's a nice day and I'm wasting it by being inside. I was going to bike to the gym, seeing as it's within sort of biking distance, now that I've moved house - but did I? No.

So this week is boobs week here at Tracicam. A new cleavage shot every day, aren't you excited? I sure am. It's partly due to demand, partly due to me dealing with my newly bleached hair that has a tinge of pink to it still. I need to go and buy some new music, I'm thinking of Homework by Daft Punk, although I still haven't bought 10,000Hz Frequency by Air, so that's still on the list.

Oh, in homage to my inherent geekness, which rasher won't acknowledge unless I use Linux, here is the cool site of the week: Dirk. Do a search for Tracicle, you'll see. Apparently I am only linked to alcohol through fear. And now you have to look, or it will make no sense.

I'm about to buy my ticket to NZ for June, I'm so excited to be going home for a longish period of time. I'll be gone at least three weeks, maybe up to six because summer school doesn't start until July 27th, my birthday. I have to buy the ticket now or it gets expensive. Also I'm going to LA the weekend of April 6 because a girlfriend from NZ will be there for a stopover, I'm going to show her the sights.

See how long these entries are? Damn holidays, they're sucking my soul. Robert, you fiend, message me. Bye.

Monday, March 18 | 7.22pm

Okay, so it's been a week. I had all these people asking where I was, so here is my explanation. I had finals. See? Oh, and I installed Diablo II. Bad, bad idea. Bad, bad Tracicle. Someone should spank me. Oh, never mind, that was an evil thing to say. So I've been hiding in my room, writing boring paper after boring paper, and then playing Diablo - I'm only up to level 18, but I'm working on that. My Amazon kicks ass.

What else? Well, Sonya's moving out, so I don't know what to say about that. It's going to be very quiet around here without her, but it's expensive to rent here, believe me. Oh! I got a random phone call last night (while bleaching my hair) from a girl I used to work with while I was a student six years ago. We worked night shift (midnight till 8am) in a supermarket. Oh, the fun we had, eating lollies, throwing toilet paper at each other, sleeping on the shelves behind the boxes. I had some scary times at that supermarket, met the biggest shithead in the world there and went out with him for ten months. Ten months of my life wasted on a guy who was an assistant manager of stocking fricking shelves. Anyway. ::thinks:: Anyway, she is living in Utah and I'll get to see her, very exciting. She's cool, and she's as Americanised as I am.

I'm at home all week now, I'm on spring break, so I will endeavour to catch up with everyone online. I feel very slack, you're welcome to say evil things and I'll even listen. I'm thinking vaguely of going to Washington DC at the end of the week, but we'll see what happens. If I do, I can make a short side-trip to New Jersey, see, and visit with my licky friend, Ginger. That's more exciting than anyone out there can possibly imagine, except for maybe Kirk, or matt, or empee, or lots of people actually. ::sighs:: AND NO ANGEL TONIGHT! ::sobs::

Monday, March 11 | 3.09pm

I have my drag presentation today, so I've drawn on some sexy eyebrows, put on the black lipliner, and pulled out my frufru Barbie dress from Halloween. I actually look more goth at the moment than I ever have before, it's the black lipliner I suppose. I don't think the pink barbie dress will work, but hey. So yes, that's all I have to say, I've actually worked today and I'm very proud, although I interspersed it with Sims skin downloads. ::laughs::

Sunday, March 10 | 10.22am

Luke made some amuzing aglami-related goodness, see, it's here maybe, and possibly here.

Tenacious D are horribly amuzing, in the way that a train crash probably would be. Well, that sounds terrible so it's obviously not true, but only good things are ever true. Speaking of which, I don't get to see Blonde because she'll be back on the east coast soon. This is sad for me, but that's life and there are much more important thingys. BUT on the plus side, I'm going to try to go to Mexico for Easter, a few days in Ensenada maybe. It's pretty and cheap and now that I actually have a visa, I can leave the country without fear of being an exception to the Geneva Convention.

I have another study group today, which is why I'm online, doing this. I was talking to Kirk and realised that my desire to update my journal stems from a need to not be studying, which makes sense since I'm the queen of procrastination (see, not JUST karaoke).

Wut else? Oh, Robert the fiend went to a Travis concert last night, lucky thing. I'm horribly jealous even though Travis aren't my favourites or anything, just that I haven't been to a concert in ages. I saw Smashmouth, but that was six months ago now. I want to move to Ingerland so I can go to lots of non-American concerts, like Radiohead, or Air, or something.

Anyway, I'm procrastinating yet again and should stop this, but it's so easy, and studying is so hard. Maybe I could do something brainless like colouring my Human Evolution book, although I don't even want to do that. It's cold, and stuff. And there's kicking in #aglami, which is more amuzing than this, so bye.

Wednesday, March 6 | 3.22pm

I'm an evil fiend and gave away the Buffy thingy last night, so I have to remember spoiler thingys or to just not say anything next time. Meanwhile I hace to make it up to empee, darn. ::grins::

Tuesday, March 5 | 9.23pm

Oh no! Anya and Xander didn't get married, and now Anya is going to become a revenge daemon again! It was a very sad and yet amuzing episode of Buffy tonight.

Kirk has received more oral sex than me, the evil fiend. AND his internetty bill was only 90 cents, ihatehim.

I'm bored again, I've spent several hours colouring my evil Human Evolution Colouring Book, which is tedious and mindnumbing. Then I watched Buffy and drank chocolate milk, and then I came in here because there is little else to do around here on a Tuesday night, and I was hoping that someone interesting would be online to talk to instead. And look! Kirk is. : ) I'd be a much more normal, uninteresting, and generally more boring person if it wasn't for Kirk, I'm sure. I'm feeling all morbid and thingy now since I'm bored and Buffy was depressing, and I am easily influenced by television. I'm such a product of the eighties. Someone was talking about first albums today and mine was Bon Jovi's Slippery When Wet. And I owned legwarmers, and watched Sesame Street and 21 Jump Street - oh, young Johnny Depp how I adored thee.

Anyway, I am in a very odd mood and feel the urge to spout inane rubbish that's even too obscure for me to understand, so I won't. Except to say that Air is not helping. And Gorillaz is rubbish, let's get nachos.

Monday, March 4 | 10.13am

Monday. Gar. I wish weekends were longer, and that my fingers weren't so cold. Plus I'm sniffly but I haven't been up long. Maybe it'll go away. I'm sort of bored, but I'm procrastinating. Ginger is flying out today for San Diego, yay! I'll be going there soon and there will be licking and tequila and mayhem and maybe a touch of carnage, I don't know.

I was productive yesterday, had a study group in the morning, then went for a bike ride, then came back and watched a movie for one of my classes, then had a fine barbecue dinner with Dawn, Gwen and Sonya. Much tickling and cushion-throwing was had and poor Gwen got most of the abuse. Her fault for starting it, though. :Þ

Anyway, I have class this afternoon and a paper due (maybe, if I write it because it's optional), and another paper due in the morning. So here I go to study, whee!

Saturday, March 2 | 6.14pm

Off to a drag night tonight...only to watch, don't worry. Should be wildly entertaining, Sonya, Gwen and Dawn are coming too - yay! Oh, and:

Oral Sex Donations Accepted

Donate to me, people!

Friday, March 1 | 4.39pm

Oh look, twice in one week. Teh good news is taht (gar, evil non-1337 skillz) that Ginger aka Blonde is moving back to CA, at least until school finishes, so I will be going to San Diego this month after all, with much licking to be had of course. I'm going to use my mad skillz to persuade Kirk to come and play too, although he lives in Texas and therefore requires effort and long driving thingys. She flies out Monday, and I'll be outside waving as she misses me completely. But the sun'll come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar and all that.

School is better, I got myself on track a bit and did some reading yesterday and some colouring of my evil Human Evolution Colo(u)ring Book. I feel a bit better now. I have finals in two weeks, including two 5-6 page papers and a presentation on the Yanomamo, which I know you all are dying to hear about. I haven't been online much lately in the camgirl context, as I've been at university pretending to study.

As you can see, my journal entries have been getting more prolific, even though I really have nothing to say. What does this mean? We may never know.

Tuesday, February 26 | 7.32pm

My computer is set up and running, and I am back to full-on cam madness and good times, although my geekgirl persona is planning to move to Denmark and marry rasher without me. Hopefully I can come to the weeding. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by university at the moment, as the quarter draws closer and closer to finals and I feel vastly unprepared. But yet, I have two years of this to go before I can walk away with a shiny piece of paper.

Blonde and I are lovers, well yes. She *is* a sexy thing and all. Who could resist?

I'm feeling very tired, I think I must still be recovering from that evil virus I had (and no, it wasn't an email virus, you fool). I've been barely going to class, keeping the house tidy and keeping up my online commitments. It's a hard life, being me. Oh, and according to various quizzes, I am a punk, a bitch, and I get to be Faith the evil slayer. Buffy after all is the greatest TV show in the world, and Faith r0xx0rs.

Hmm, what else? I feel very journally tonight, but I can't think of a thing now. Oh, I escaped my dreaded presentation last week by being sick, but had to do it today and actually did pretty well. I guess that solo singing class last year did pay off, after all. That's all really. I'm very happy today, all things considered. I had a very fun afternoon and this evening's shaping up well too. Will tell you more later, maybe.

Friday, February 22 | 2.16pm

Well, it's been a week since I updated, because I moved the computer into the bedroom, but it's not hooked up to the modem yet. This weekend I'll have it wired once again for online fun, but it's been a quiet and lonely week without my PC. I'm currently playing at geekgirl, with help from Luke, rasher and matt, using a Mac iBook with Debian Linux running bitchx for my IRCing. Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE.

Oh, what else? I bought presents for my mother and sister today, it's hard buying for people I haven't seen in almost three years really.

The party last weekend was really fun, I was only a little bit hungover the next day, and once again I proved that I am the karaoke queen when drunk, after singing some godawful Abba song. It was amuzing. Oh, and I'm sick, some evil virus is going around. I need someone to make me chicken soup and tuck me into bed with my laptop. Anyway, here I go. I'm lonely without my pc!

Saturday, February 16 | 11.22am

I'm Anya the Demon.

Which Buffy Girl Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty


I'm going out and you're not. Bye :)

Friday, February 15 | 9.29am

Well, we had the weirdest game of Spin Teh Bottle in #aglami I have ever seen, it kept pairing me with matt so I think someone fixed it, somehow. This was shortly after Mike and I duelled with nightsticks and he broke mine -- I can never speak to him again, until he gets me a new one. And yes, I'm tired and grumpy and obviously addicted to aglami because I feel ever so much better now.


Yay! I saw Ginger today, she is argh but it was cool to see her for the first time in two weeks or something. Sonya got a hugeass bunch of roses from her boyfriend yesterday, so big that eating breakfast at the table was like being in a big rosy forest. Gwen left us again to go to Sacramento for the weekend, but she promised to be back on Sunday. Tomorrow I'm going to a rugby game which will be fun for me. To my Scot Robert, message me :)


I always liked Garfield as a little kid, but the humour must have evaded me, as I don't remember it being as kickass funny as it seems now. Thanks Kirk, my new favourite camgirl .

Sunday, February 10 | 12.15am

Look, I'm a redhead now. Tell me what you think, inquiring minds want to know whether it's better blonde or red.

Friday, February 8 | 9.18am

I forgot: before I left, I made this cool quiz thinger that Sonya discovered. Try it and let me know how well you YOU know me? Bwahaha, yes. OH! And I did that mailing list thinger too: go ahead, subscribe now!

Please enter your email address:
You can ask anything you want, I'll answer. Hurry up, do it.

Thursday, February 7 | 5.02pm

I'm tired, again. I got back from NZ last night and then worked my little butt off to get some of my midterm stuff done to hand in today. I lost one of my textbooks and luckily recovered it in time to go to the exam, and now I have a paper due Monday and a takehome midterm due tomorrow, which of course I should be doing now.

It was fun in Auckland, I spent some time with my Mum, and blew money at the new casino at the Sky Tower. They have 2 cent machines there, which seems completely pointless since New Zealand doesn't have currency smaller than a five-cent piece. But I lost a couple of dollars and gave up anyway. Had coffee there and looked out at the night view of Auckland, it's really pretty by night and not horrible by day, either.

Bought clothes, as you do: pair of butt-hugging jeans that are really low on the hips. Every time I sit down I swear I'm showing half my ass. Also some spiffy new gym shoes which I suppose I'll actually have to wear to the gym. It was even warm enough to wear a dress, which I did on one occasion, baring my lily-white legs to the world.

Anyway, I'm only slightly jetlagged, due mostly to the fact that I can't sleep on planes at all. I even tried drinking this time - a glass of wine and a beer (good NZ beer and wine, I might add) - but it didn't help. I would have had more to drink but I didn't want to look like those weird alcoholics you see on planes that get all obnoxious. I'd never do that. ::giggle::

So here I am, back in IRC and on Yahoo Messenger as always. Please sign my Guestbook, or message me. I'm going to work next on a mailing forum for you die-hard fans out there (all two of you). Goodnight, fiends.

Thursday, January 31 | 7.41am

I have to go. I'm flying to New Zealand for a week to renew my US visa and eat some real food. I'll be swimming in Auckland and learning to drive on the left side of the road again -- I should have it figured out just in time to come back to America and drive on the right. Promise I'll come home with a tan and some new clothes. Don't cry for me, I'll miss you all.

Wednesday, January 23

It's Wednesday again. I think Wednesdays are my arch-nemesis. I should kick them. It's been gloomy lately and I think it's affected my mood, I feel very thoughtful and pondery. It was Blonde's birthday yesterday so much licking was had and unfortunately somewhat little beer consumption on my part. Things are evil, yes.

So I decided that Lisa Loeb will be my thinger for the party, since I can pull off a passing resemblance to her in a crowd of "gen-Xers" who have all seen Reality Bites and therefore know what she looks like. Plus "Stay (Miss You)" is one of my favourite songs to hear and sing, so yes. Karaoke will be had, chaos will ensue!

School is tedious yes, but I'm surviving, considering my ratio of online time to study time.

Must remember to archive stuff.

Sunday, January 20 | 1:38am

I'm so fcuking tired. Went to Dan's for a "Let's empty the wine cellar" night, involving clearing out a room full of wine. I helped as much as I could, resulting in the hiccups and many invitations. I'm going to a thingy soon where I have to dress as a rock/pop star and sing karaoke. I need suggestions badly -- I wanted to go as Gwen Stefani, since I have the hair and the attitude and I can kick high :) But Jean is already going as her, dammit. I need ideas, PLEASE.

I have been spending some time on Yahoo! Messenger if anyone finds the great urge to chat to me at random times. My Yahoo ID is vixen_aurora and I am online at various unpredictable times, like now. I always have my cam on, so be sure to say hi. What else? Oh, I bought the Tenacious D ablum, it's highly amuzing.

And, in the tradition of fine camgirls everywhere (ie. Sarah) I finally played DDR -- or Dance Dance Revolution -- for the first time tonight and liked it, so I may have to buy it. Hopefully, unlike certain other people I know (/me looks at Sarah) I won't end up in an ankle brace or something.

Wednesday January 16

How the hell did it get to be Wednesday?

Sunday January 12

I haven't updated lately for a plethora of reasons. The first is that my new modem has the seed of Satan in it and wouldn't let me access either mIRC or for several days. The second is that I was very busy with university and studying (ha!) and the third is that I now hace a new computer. w00t! You don't want the details, I'm sure.

The Vixens are on the move; all of them now have pages in various states of undress (the pages, not the girls sorry) and the link-pics on the portal site will soon be updated, when I get around to remodelling the entire page. It's pretty ugly and advice is gratefully received.

I in turn have started a journal archive for those of you fascinated enough by my pathetic mumblings to read them, and there will also be a cam archive when I get off my arse and move some stuff around. Now with the new computer I have even less incentive, since all the archived pics are on the old one. Also, I notice that my numbers are down in the portal poll, so if you have any decency in your heart, you'll pop over and vote for me, right? Eh, right.

Wednesday January 9

I'm suddenly out of spare time in the middle of reading The Fellowship of the Ring, damnit. I want to handle my spare time better, not sitting at this computer complaining about the lack of interesting things to do online. Anyway. I bought a couple of new jerseys for $20 (I LOVE Ross) and feel more sufficiently dressed for university. People at my university are...interesting. They dress like grunge crossed with anyone from the seventies in San Francisco. If you're lucky, everyone in class has washed their hair in the last week.

My new modem is lame, I can't actually get to tripod on it to update my site, hence the lack of new pictures and content &tc. Today I gave in and reverted to the old modem just to do some work and update my journal. After that, well. I should be reading the articles for my class, but I'll probably be online in #aglami.

Monday January 7

I hate Mondays. And I don't even have class until 5pm. Gwen's leaving today for a two-week working holiday so I'm somewhat depressed. We won't be able to quote Gir together...I miss that cupcake.

I'm working my way up in the aglami stats, on Saturday I was at number 9! I think I can get to the top five in a couple more days. Provided my new modem lasts - I dialed up with it this morning and couldn't access anything but Slashdot and my news. :( Ah well, it's okay as long as I have a backup.

Saturday January 5

I want Kevin Spacey. And Rasher is my CamGod. I haven't got anything to say. The weather is nice, I started school last Thursday and already have two papers due on Tuesday but whatever.

There's a weird cover of Sting's "King of Pain" on MTV that sounds a bit like the Cranberries but not. I've been online today since I got up, except for about twenty minutes when I went to pick Gwen up, but since I didn't get up until 10.30 - in time to watch the last half hour of MST3K - it could be worse. I feel very cheerful today.